short code 542423 56767
short code 542423 56767

Spice Webs >> Telecom >> SMS >> SMS Short Code Bangalore - Chennai - India

bulk sms,bangalore,trichy,madurai,india

Short Codes are special five digit fancy numbers starting with 5, shorter than a full telephone number and are more common than you may think,which are widely used on print advertising, Television and radio advertising, on marketing promotional literature, on-pack marketing and on outdoor advertising.

This is a great marketing tool and short code service can be used in any sector.Short Code Service 542423, 56767 - get a keyword for as low as Rs.1500/month.Its is a two way communication. When a sender sends a specific query through keyword to a shortcode, gets a reply of that query by SMS.

From each message on your specific keyword, you will receive the date and time that we received the message, the mobile number and the complete message including your keyword.

They are often associated with automated services. An automated program can handle the response and typically requires the sender to start the message with a command word or prefix or a keyword. The service then responds to the command appropriately. In ads or in other printed material where a provider has to inform about both the prefix and the short code number, the advertisement will typically follow this format: Send Jebam to 56767 for Daily Bible Quotes.

Customer Charged for SMS: Rs. 1/Rs. 2/ Rs. 3 Per SMS (varies operator to operator) 

How Stuff Works - Bulk SMS
When a user/mobile subscriber sends an SMS to a Short Code, the user gets back an auto response via SMS.
Above is a working example of a customer sending an SMS for the home delivery of a Pizza.
In the below example the text PIZZA is called keyword, NON VEG is called sub keyword and 56767, is called SHORT CODE.
A Short Code service can have unlimited sub keywords. E.G: PIZZA NONVEG, PIZZA Garlic, PIZZA Chicken and many more

Location: Chennai, Bangalore, Singapore, France, Trichy. Thanks for our clients who helps us to extend our services in Chennai, Singapore, France, and trichy for payment gateway, website design, website development, web hosting, web casting, live video streaming and logo designing.

Further question : SCS

If you have any queries regarding short code services - bulk sms or would just like to discuss possibilities, Call +91 9677451191 now to discuss your needs or email us at

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